
Mesocontouring is a modern and safe , minimally invasive method for lifting the face and brows, smoothing deep wrinkles and correcting the chin line.

As we age, the skin loses some of its elastic properties and volume, leading to the appearance of wrinkles and changes in facial contours. The insertion of mesoconzi achieves the effect of mechanical support of the surrounding tissues, thus achieving a lifting visible immediately after the procedure.

The threads are strands of biopolymers that degrade over time, and the products of their breakdown are eliminated from the body through the excretory, digestive and respiratory systems in the form of various end compounds and carbon dioxide. In addition to serving as tissue support, the biopolymers stimulate collagen formation, so that the effects of the procedure are maintained for months after their complete degradation. There is virtually no recovery period, and the mesoconcave placement takes about an hour, making the procedure extremely affordable and easy to fit into your dynamic schedule. The only side effect may be mild swelling of the face, which resolves in 2 to 3 days.

Thirty minutes before the procedure, the face is cleaned and a numbing cream is applied. The sutures are inserted through the skin via a needle or cannula, and the puncture site, usually one per area, is further numbed with a local anaesthetic. With pain relief, sensitivity to pressure and touch are preserved, but not to pain. The insertion of the sutures is accompanied by a feeling of stretching the skin, part of the process of their insertion. In each zone, according to the desired effect, a certain number of threads are placed. After completing the procedure, the face is again cleaned, and a small patch is glued to the puncture site, which is desirable to remain for 24 hours.

Contraindications to mesoconcision placement are active viral and bacterial inflammation, the presence of non-degradable implants in the areas of placement, bleeding disorders and certain autoimmune diseases. A side effect can be facial swelling, which disappears on average 36 hours after the procedure. Small sores are left at the sites of the punctures, which disappear completely and without a scar in one to two weeks.

The effect of mesoconcave placement is immediately visible. Two to three months after the procedure, lifting may be enhanced due to the accumulation of newly synthesized collagen in the treated areas. After the first insertion, the effect lasts on average a year, and after each subsequent one, its duration increases.

Twelve hours after suture placement, the area should not be wet and mechanical stresses, including massage, should be avoided. If the sutures are placed on the face, it is desirable on the first day after
The procedure is not to apply make-up, sleep on the back for the next 5 days and avoid strong facial expressions. A patch is placed over the needle wound and can be removed after 24 hours. Depending on the case, an antibiotic cream may be applied. For a period of one week after the placement of the sutures, sunbathing, strong physical exertion, very high or low temperatures, which would worsen the swelling and slow down its spread, should be avoided.

The number of treatments depends on the desired effect. Usually, a repeat procedure is done after about a year, with the interval between each subsequent procedure progressively increasing.