At Aestheline Clinic, we highly value the trust you have placed in us, and we are thrilled to have you as a part of our special community. With the aim of strengthening our bond with you, we have developed our Loyalty Program, which will be effective from August 1st, 2023.
Registration and Participation:
The only requirement to become a part of Aestheline Clinic’s Loyalty Program is to be our patient.
Earning Points:
a) You will earn points for each service used at the clinic, such as dermatological consultations, cosmetic procedures, skin treatments, and others.
b) The number of points you will receive for each service will be automatically credited to your profile after purchase.
c) When you recommend our clinic to a friend and they come for their appointment you will receive 10 points.
There, you can also monitor your reservations, subscriptions, purchases, and easily schedule appointments for future visits.
Loyalty Levels:
a) Gold – For all packages, you also receive points equivalent to 2% of the subscription value.
b) Platinum Level – For each individually paid procedure, you will receive 5% of the accumulated service value in the form of points.
c) Referral Level – When you recommend Aestheline Clinic to a friend you receive 10 points in the day of their visit in the clinic.
Example: If from January 1 to December 31 of a calendar year, you undergo procedures totaling 5000 BGN and already have 250 points, you can use these points for procedures at Aestheline Clinic worth 250 BGN until December 31 of the current year. Points reset at the end of each calendar year, so we encourage you to use them.
Points Redemption:
a) The earned points will be stored in your virtual wallet, and you can use them to pay for services at the clinic.
b) Points are personal and cannot be transferred to other individuals.
Points Validity:
The points will be valid for one calendar year, after which they will automatically reset if not used. Promotions and Special Offers:
Points accumulated in the Loyalty Program can be used for all offered services, including those in promotions or subscriptions.
Abuse and Cancellation:
a) Aestheline Clinic reserves the right to terminate a patient’s participation in the Loyalty Program in case of abuse or violation of the rules.
b) Participants have the right to opt-out of the program at any time by sending a written notification to the clinic.
Thank you for choosing our Aestheline Clinic, and we look forward to welcoming you again! If you have any questions regarding our Loyalty Program, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
The Aestheline Clinic Teamпрограма-Публикация-в-Instagram-Квадратни-en.jpg10801080д-р Иван Пеевд-р Иван Пеев2023-07-31 19:25:142023-12-28 17:22:41Join our Loyalty program
Redness on the face, burning and stretching, dryness, the appearance of pustules, eye irritation and nose enlargement – all this can be a symptom of rosacea.д-р Иван Пеевд-р Иван Пеев2023-07-21 12:44:092023-10-09 17:16:50What is rosacea and how to recognize it?
Thorns are one of the leading causes requiring manipulation by a dermatologist. The established methods for their removal are cryotherapy, laser treatment and in extreme cases – surgical excision. However, before reaching the medical professionals, people usually go through various forms of self-medication, which unfortunately only worsen the condition and make the subsequent cure more difficult. Today we will look at the main methods of home treatment of hen thistles and why we should not apply them.
A patient’s path from discovering a coccyx to seeing a specialist usually goes through many different forms of self-treatment. It all starts with the appearance of the first lesion. The chicken pox is actually a type of viral wart from the group of human papilloma viruses. These are over 150 different types, causing diseases from warts on the body to precancerous conditions on the genitals. On the skin of the feet and hands, chicken pox usually starts as painful calluses – this is how they are most often described by patients. In the center of the formations are often seen black dots – these represent thrombosed blood vessels. It is they who are most often the object of the first form of self-treatment:
Mechanical removal, scraping and carving of the painful formation
Depending on their location, hen’s thorns range from highly indented skin growths on the heels to highly prominent hard skin growths on the lateral surface of the feet, hands and toes. The discomfort they cause, besides the aesthetic component, is the leading reason they are subject to constant manipulation. Most often after a bath, when the skin is softened, resort to the attempt to mechanically remove the thistle. Knives, scissors, needles, razors and barber blades, even in some cases surgical blades, are used for this purpose. Often, the formation is deepened to blood, leading to soreness on pressure, lasting several days. This is followed by a period of relief as much of the diseased tissue is removed. The pain of hen’s thorn stems from the layered skin, which is why its removal brings temporary relief. Unfortunately, after its accumulation, the complaints return. This inevitably leads to a new “cleansing”, which marks the beginning of a closed circle. Since chicken pox is a viral disease, any such cleaning leads to the spread of viral particles on the surrounding skin. Multiple new hen thorns appear, and in some cases if the primary is on the legs, secondary ones appear on the arms. This also leads to the second peculiarity in the self-treatment of hen thistles :
Does the removal of the “mother” lead to the removal of the “daughter entities”?
Here the mother is a correct term insofar as she can indeed be considered the source of other hen thorns on various parts of the body. We have already explained how this happens. However, the eventual cure of the mother does not lead to the disappearance of secondary formations. For this reason, all hen thistles should be treated simultaneously until all sources of self-infection are eliminated. Apart from the ‘mother’, another common target of hen thistle removal efforts is the so-called root:
Does removing the “root” of the hen’s thorn solve the problem?
The root actually represents the thrombosed blood vessels we have already talked about. The blackheads actually look a lot like tree roots or microscopic thorns stuck deep into the skin. This is probably where the name hen’s thistle comes from. The attempt to remove the root is usually again mechanical, thereby ending up with a carving down to the dermis, or as is often reported by patients – to the flesh. Besides not solving the problem, digging is a prerequisite for deeper penetration of the corns into the foot, which makes the problem even more painful. The shedding of viral particles and the appearance of multiple chicken pox are also common. And here the process is usually repeated until it is too painful and does not bring the characteristic temporary relief.
Everything listed so far were mechanical methods of self-healing. Chemical ones come next. We start with the most commonly used tool:
Do the patches from the pharmacy against calluses and chicken pox help?
Although sold in pharmacies, these remedies do not always lead to a cure. The fact is that we as medical professionals only reach people who have failed in their attempts to cure themselves, and we have no monitoring over the success rate. Where is the problem with these patches? Most often, they contain a high percentage of salicylic acid – usually in the form of a greenish gel-shaped circular field in the center of the patch. Salicylic acid, and acids in general, lead to tissue coagulation necrosis. In plain terms, this means that in dying, the tissue is compacted, creating an insurmountable barrier to further penetration into depth. This is also the reason for the failures in attempts to treat hen thistles. Peeling of the superficial skin is obtained without reaching the desired depth. Repeating the procedure results in extensive damage to healthy skin, in some cases the appearance of sores and significant pain when walking. In the very early stages of the development of chicken pox, without them being far into the skin, it is possible that treatment with patches will be successful, but often when patients notice the presence of a chicken pox, especially on the foot, this is the point at which it has made them ill, and this means that it is already too deep to be cured. In addition to the pharmacy form of acid patches, folk medicine offers not a few variants following the principle of salicylic acid, the most famous of which are
Does aspirin on tomatoes, salicylic acid in cream, oil in vinegar, sorrel leaves, fig milk cure?
For all of them, what was said about the patches from the pharmacy is applicable. In early stages and very superficial lesions, it is possible to achieve a cure. Even then, it involves repeated procedures, severe discomfort and often ulceration of healthy skin. Another problem with these methods is that if a cure is not reached, the problem gets worse. Injured skin is a prerequisite for the spread of the virus, and the dislocation of the thorn is the cause of its deeper penetration and worsening of the pain.
As we have already mentioned, we as medical professionals are approached by people who have failed in the self-treatment methods of henbane. Even if some of the above options work, or the dozens of others that exist but we have not listed, the harm they can have often outweighs the benefit. In medicine, for a treatment to be accepted, the benefit must outweigh the risk or harm. For this reason, as dermatologists, we advise that hen’s thorns be treated according to accepted medical standards, without attempts at self-treatment.д-р Иван Пеевд-р Иван Пеев2023-07-21 12:44:082024-01-19 15:02:55Home treatment of hen thistles. What do we need to know?
Acne is the most common skin disease, with an incidence so high that some even consider it a physiological condition accompanying a certain stage of a person’s life. However, the severe forms are far from harmless and can have an extremely negative effect on quality of life, leading to depression and social isolation. For this reason, it is important that acne be recognized and properly treated.
Symptoms of acne
Pimples and scars. These are the most common symptoms of acne.
They usually appear around puberty, but no age group is unaffected. An example of late-onset acne is the so-called. Adultor acne (acne of adulthood), which is characterised by the appearance of pimples mainly in women over 25 years of age. In all types of acne, the pimples are mainly on the face, but often the back and chest are also affected to some extent, and in adultor acne, the chin and neck area is characteristically affected.
The pimples may be one or two or many, may be only prominent reddenings or with a large white tip; may be painful to the touch deep subcutaneous growths, with reddened and thickened overlying skin. In addition to the appearance of pimples, acneic skin tends to become oily and form a large number of comedones.
In women, the appearance of pimples can be associated with the menstrual cycle. Although at first glance acne is an obvious diagnosis, in practice it is not always so easy to distinguish it from some other skin diseases with a similar picture such as rosacea and folliculitis caused by yeast. A correct diagnosis by a dermatologist is therefore fundamental for successful treatment.
When the active phase of acne has passed, usually after some of the pimples remains a symptom for life – scars. They can be of different shapes and sizes. In some cases, they appear only as enlarged pores, and when they have caused deeper damage to the skin, they can be described as “craters from a moonscape” or “dry riverbeds running down the cheeks”.
The severity of acne does not always determine the severity of the scars that will remain after it, which is why its treatment is mandatory, even in its mildest forms.
Causes of acne
Contrary to most understandings in society, the causes of acne for the most part lie in the skin itself. Four interrelated and simultaneous processes are responsible for this:
Formation of microcomedones;
Secretion of sebum;
Overpopulation of bacteria;
Appearance of inflammation.
The impact of one of the components immediately reflects on the others. For example, increased secretion of sebum is a prerequisite for both easier formation of comedones and an increase in the number of bacteria, as fatty acids serve as food for them. The bacteria lead to inflammation with which the pustule is already present. In fact, “problem skin” as acne patients describe it, is the result of the above events.
The “internal” causes of acne include hormonal problems. They are more common in women and are usually associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Sometimes corticosteroid preparations are used in the treatment of various diseases, which lead to the appearance of steroid acne. Such can also occur in the skin of the face, mainly around the mouth and nose when using asthma inhalers containing corticosteroids.
In men, the abuse of anabolic steroids is a common cause of severe and difficult to treat forms of acne.
Diet and acne
“What is the influence of food and diet on the appearance of pimples?” is the most frequently asked question by people with acne.
The research here is conflicting, but if we have to point to the prime suspects, it is sweets and dairy. Foods rich in sugar lead to a spike in insulin, which stimulates follicles to produce sebum and also the cells on their walls to divide, increasing the likelihood of blockages and the formation of microcomedones. In milk and dairy products there are growth factors that also lead to similar phenomena. This correlation between diet and the appearance of pimples is not valid in everyone, and the surest way to check is to do a strict elimination diet for at least a month, followed by gradual inclusion of single products and monitoring of the skin condition.
Types of acne treatment
Treating acne starts at home because even the most effective treatments are done once in a while, and the care we take at home is constant. For this reason, we put the right cosmetics in the first place.
The principles of treatment are the same for all types of acne, with the peculiarity that for adultory acne, therapies are usually longer and milder forms often require more aggressive approaches.
Use of medication
The use of appropriate medical cosmetics is key to successful acne therapy.
The daily facial care ritual includes the following products – a wash, an active product, a sunscreen and a moisturizer to be used as needed. Since acneic skin is usually oily, gels are the most suitable cleansers, and if the skin is prone to comedones – exfoliating cleansers with weak acids are perfect. Active cosmetic products can be applied in the morning and evening or only in the evening.
Different manufacturers rely on different ingredients, but most often in the active products we have a derivative of retinol or some acid – salicylic, malic and others. When exposed to the sun, the use of sun protection is fundamental, the most suitable are the special non-comedogenic series for oily skin. Include a moisturizing product if needed, as acne therapy often leads to drying of the facial skin. Adhering to these general principles in selecting appropriate cosmetics can significantly improve or even cure mild forms of acne without the need for drug therapy.
The use of medication is indicated in moderate and severe forms of acne, as well as in all cases where the cosmetic approach alone does not lead to a satisfactory effect.
Medications are divided into products for application to the skin and systemic therapy. Of the products for applying to the face, azelaic acid and benzoyl peroxide are most commonly used. After them are various antibiotic creams and vitamin A derivatives. According to the prevailing cause of the appearance of acne, the most correct product is also selected, therefore all drugs should be appointed only by a dermatologist.
Therapy of acne
Systemic therapy of acne includes antibiotic tablets, hormonal preparations and isotretinoin, which is a derivative of vitamin A. Of all the listed methods of therapy, isotretinoin is the most effective means of influencing acne, but due to the side effects and limitations that the preparation imposes, it is used only for the most severe forms of acne or in cases where the effect of other therapies is unsatisfactory.
Hormonal preparations are most often contraceptives given to women with accompanying menstrual disorders or those with adultor acne. In the latter, spironolactone, which is a type of diuretic, can also be administered as systemic therapy.
In addition to drugs, the fight against acne involves cosmetic and medical procedures. Of the cosmetic procedures, the most important is facial cleansing by a medical aesthetician. It solves one of the fundamental problems responsible for the appearance of pimples – the clogging of follicles and the formation of comedones. Facial cleanses are determined by the skin’s tendency to form comedones and are done at certain intervals, most often one per month.
Medical chemical peels also play an important role in the treatment of acne. Depending on the predominant component, an appropriate peel is selected – salicylic, trichloroacetate, glycolic and others. Usually, several peels are appointed in succession, after which their frequency is diluted. Besides exfoliating the skin and having a comedonolytic effect, peels destroy bacteria and soothe inflammation.
Laser treatments for acne
Of the apparatus procedures, lasers play the biggest role.
They can be used both in the active forms of acne and in its consequences, namely – scars. Immediately after the passage of the active phase of acne, unpleasant redness remains at the sites of pimples, which can persist for months. For them, the perfect procedure is the Frac3 laser treatment. For old acne scars, laser resurfacing is the gold standard. As a milder alternative in terms of recovery period can be classified the apparatus microneedling procedures with radiofrequency. With both methods, it should be noted that they rely on the skin’s ability to regenerate and the positive effects of them begin to become visible after months.
Make an appointment for a consultation at: 02 405 8000 or from here 12:44:052023-07-21 12:44:13Acne – symptoms, causes and types of treatment
Dermapen, also called microneedling, is a procedure in which the skin is treated in individual segments with tiny needles that penetrate to a preset depth to stimulate skin renewal. Depending on the condition being treated the depth varies. Through microneedling, various substances such as peptides and other large molecules that are impossible to penetrate otherwise are effectively introduced transdermally. The equipment with which the procedure is carried out can be different: a tip in the form of a pen, a derma-roller, a micro-needle seal, etc.
When is a dermapen procedure done?
Microneedling is extremely suitable for skin relief problems: scars, enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles. In combination with other therapies, microneedling produces impressive results. The key to them is patience and perseverance in their execution. An important condition for success is the conduct of 5-6 treatments with microneedle therapy, because the stimulation of collagen production is visible after a month and a half or two. Microneedle therapy is a good alternative for patients with darker phototypes where lasers are riskier due to the likelihood of hyperpigmentation.
How does the procedure work?
At the Esteline Dermapen Clinic, the procedure lasts between 30-40min. We always carry out a detailed consultation and discuss the problem before the procedure begins. After which, we start the actual part of the procedure by thoroughly cleaning the face and necessarily treating with an antiseptic solution, which provides a clean environment for a safe procedure. We treat the face using the micro-needle tip, taking into account the client’s individual sensations and skin needs. We finish with a suitable finishing cream, minimizing discomfort.
What care can we take at home?
After the procedure, we always give specific guidance to each client. General care includes the use of a gentle skin cleanser, active hydration and mandatory sun protection, even in winter.
It is usually normal within 2-3 days after the procedure for the skin to be slightly erythematous with an increased feeling of dryness. During this period, it is important to avoid products with strong fragrances, soaps and lotions that can cause irritation.
It is important to avoid swimming activities and excessive sweating after the procedure. What effect can we expect?
Already after the first treatment the effect we achieve is a very good exfoliation of the surface layer of the skin. After a few days it feels softer and smoother. The end result includes visible obliteration of acne scars, lightening of pigmentation, shrinking of enlarged pores, skin tightening, smoothing of fine lines.
What should we consider before undergoing a microneedling procedure? Before the procedure, it is important to be familiar with the overall process and the time it will take.
– Noticing results takes time. This is because skin renewal and healing processes take time. It usually takes between 5-6 treatments to notice good results. The interval between each of them is 28-30days.
– Healing of the skin can take several days. During this period the skin will be drier than usual, red and with possible scaling and peeling.
– The procedure is not painful In cases where the procedure is performed at greater depth, a numbing product is applied beforehand.
In which cases are we not suitable for a dermapen procedure?
Microneedling is suitable for most patients, except when active skin infections, viral lesions such as herpes, allergic reaction to any of the products introduced into the skin, dermatitis, tendency to keloid formation, acute inflammation, active acne, warts, mycotic infections, etc. are present.
At Esteline Clinic you will find competent medical aestheticians and dermatologists who will answer all your questions and prepare your Individual Aesthetic Plan.
With us you can count on reliable results and natural. We combine proven and researched approaches with modern high-quality equipment and methods. I am Maria Peteleva and I will be happy to help you choose the best skin care for your skin. You can book an appointment on tel: 02 405 8000д-р Иван Пеевд-р Иван Пеев2023-07-21 12:44:042023-07-21 12:44:11Dermapen
Facial cleansing is an important part of the skin care routine, as on the one hand it removes the day’s accumulated impurities and on the other hand it prepares the skin for deeper penetration of the active particles from the subsequent products of the daily routine. Facial cleansing is a ritual that has been practiced since ancient times in the ancient world, first by primitively scraping the skin with an object and later by identifying the first exfoliating natural skin care ingredients in ancient Egypt.
Let’s discuss the structure of the skin to successfully analyze the importance of cleaning it. The skin cover consists of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the deepest part called the hypodermis. Cleansing the face allows us to support the outermost layer – the epidermis. Exfoliation exfoliates away the dead cells that have been layered over time to reveal new and fresh underlying structures, thus stimulating the epidermal cell renewal cycle, refining skin texture, clarifying the complexion, and producing a radiant glow.
Terminology – what types of facial cleaning are there?
There are different terms to characterize different types of facial cleansing such as: medical cleansing, manual cleansing, at-home cleansing with cosmetic products, deep cleansing, double cleansing, machine cleansing and many other variations.
When we talk about medical cleaning, we are referring to a specialized procedure performed under the utmost conditions of sterility by a specially trained medical aesthetician. The ultimate goal of the manipulation is the removal of excess sebum and the removal of harmful particles from the environment, the accumulated layer of dead cells and the release of clogged pores and comedones. The procedure is suitable for almost any skin type, without couperose or extremely sensitive, in which case the necessary modifications with apparatus procedures are offered. Men also need facial cleansing, even in some cases because of the greater density and thickness of the skin, may need even more intensive in terms of duration and frequency of the procedure.
Occasionally, facial cleansing is also required for children 10-12 years of age. With the current urbanization of the population, highly polluted environment and high percentage of harmful and processed foods, children are experiencing acceleration and faster maturation, onset of puberty and growing up. This of course also leads to changes in their skin and the appearance of problems. Regular facial cleansing can prevent or help treat these skin problems.
The frequency of medical facial cleansing is determined by the type of skin, its tendency to become oily and its sensitivity. It is normally done once a month, but for patients with acneic, or oily skin, the intensity of the treatment frequency can be increased to twice a month in active phases. While for people with dry and sensitive or dehydrated skin, it can be done once every 2-3 months. For couperose or very sensitive skin, there is another alternative therapy called Hydrafacial, which we will talk about later in the article.
Manual or “manual” facial cleansing
This is nothing other than what was formerly called medical facial cleansing or classic manual extraction of comedones, milliums and ultimately ridding the skin of excess sebum and residual buildup. The procedure usually takes about one hour and requires no prior preparation.
The following steps shall be followed with maximum sterility:
Apparatus steam bath for maximum pore expansion.
Manual extraction of clogged pores, closed and open comedones.
Darsonvalisation for skin disinfection
Facial massage with gentle movements to stimulate blood flow and lymph circulation, relaxation of muscle groups.
Soothing mask for faster soothing of redness.
Placement of the finished product.
An interesting alternative to the last step 5 is the use of liquid nitrogen or so-called liquid nitrogen facial cleansing, which achieves a more intense pore shrinking and cooling effect.
Home skin care
However, skin care should continue at home with no less importance to adequately remove the accumulated during the day dirt, residues of make-up and cosmetic products, secreted sebum.
There are many different types of cosmetic products that find application in different skin types. Depending on their texture and form of application they can be: gel, foam, oil, lotion, etc.
Foaming gel or direct foam-form are particularly suitable for oily skin for maximum removal of excess sebum, especially in combination with niacinamide /Vitamin B3/ and alpha- and beta-hydroxyl exfoliating acids (ANA, BHA), glycolic acid as a representative of ANA and salicylic acid of the BHA group, for example. Niacinamide soothes inflamed areas and redness, while hydroxyl acids act exfoliating by helping to unclog pores, removing fine lines and imperfections over time.
A cleansing oil or milk would be best for dry or dehydrated skin in combination with active ingredients such as humectants /glycerin/, ceramides or hyaluronic acid. In this way, the barrier function of the skin is maintained and moisture is retained, reducing the feeling of tightness and discomfort.
The products are applied by gentle rubbing massage movements on pre-moistened facial skin. Rinse gently with cool water and dry with a white towel suitable only for this area.
It is usual to wash the face twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, of course according to individual needs. Most often an exception is made for dry or dehydrated skin. In such a case, the morning cleaning with a cosmetic product is replaced only by water or even in some cases can be discontinued.
Double cleaning
Recently, the concept of double cleansing or “double cleansing” has entered our circles, emphasizing the need to use two products in two consecutive steps in order to cleanse and care for the skin completely and effectively.
The first step involves an “oil-based cleanser” or an oil-based product that can be used to remove excess sebum, makeup residue or those from applied cosmetics containing fat-soluble ingredients, a classic example being sunscreens. This step can also be done with micellar water, always placing the product on a dry face and applying with fine massage movements. Finally wash off with lukewarm, careful not hot or cold water. In this case, the mycelium is a surfactant that sucks the fat-soluble particles from the surface of the skin.
Cleanse the face with a water-based product to remove any remaining impurities. In this step, the gel or foam wash is applied to a wet face and rinsed again with cool water.
Finally, the remaining moisture is gently absorbed with a clean, face-only cloth.
It’s important to note that we double cleanse every night before bed when makeup or fat-soluble cosmetics like sunscreen are applied during the day.
Apparatus facial cleansing
Apparatus facial cleansing is a non-invasive procedure through which, with specialized professional equipment, mechanical removal of skin impurities is achieved under strictly adapted parameters, suitable even for sensitive or couperose skin, while at the same time achieving a therapeutic result with the help of specialized serums.
Unlike the classic manual cleansing, in this case, no pre-steaming of the facial skin is done in order to unclog the pores and subsequent manual extraction. This makes the procedure far less traumatic, but at the same time less effective when it comes to releasing comedones and excess sebum in harder to reach areas.
For oily and acne-prone skin, this type of apparatus procedure cannot replace, but only complement the classic medical facial cleansing.
At Aestheline Clinic we work with an American brand Hydrafacial device.
A hydrafacial, or so-called facial, is a cleansing and hydrating treatment suitable for sensitive skin. The therapy is the only alternative for a reactive skin condition, better known as rosacea, of course with the correct adaptation of the parameters, which again achieves a fine exfoliation of the skin with the removal of dead cells and excess sebum, which explains the anti-aging action of the procedure. No prior preparation is needed before the procedure, and the daily beauty rout ine can be started the very next day.
The following three simple sequential steps are followed:
Cleansing and exfoliation of the skin by improving microcirculation and lymphatic drainage of the face with a vacuum tip.
Chemical peel with a gentle percentage of alpha- (ANA) or beta-hydroxyl acids (BHA) to remove the dead layer of cells resulting in subsequent brightening of the facial skin.
Extraction of blackheads and enlarged pores using a specialized vacuum tip.
Hydration of the skin by target serums based on hyaluronic acid and nucleotides with different ratios of individualized ingredients to treat personal characteristics, e.g. hyperpigmentation, fine lines, pronounced dehydration.
Immediately after the procedure, you may experience a quick transient redness, which usually subsides within a few hours.
What do we achieve as an end result?
Refreshing of the skin, reduction of exacerbations of acne, clarification of the complexion, even anti-aging effect with smoothing of fine lines and imperfections.
In conclusion, I would like to stress the importance of a daily routine tailored to the appropriate individualized products for the skin type after an analysis and detailed consultation with a specialist in the field of dermatology.
No less important remains the competent performance of medical or apparatus facial cleansing by well-trained and specialized medical personnel, tailored to the individual characteristics of the skin and its current state. The correct execution of the procedure also determines the final result.
The article was prepared for you by Dr. Kafelova, part of the Aestheline Clinic team. The clinic offers a wide range of aesthetic procedures. Aestheline specialists work with professional medical cosmetics, such as the English brand Medik8, which they know and trust after many years of proven quality and results.д-р Иван Пеевд-р Иван Пеев2023-07-21 12:44:012023-07-25 16:05:19Facial cleansing. What do we need to know about it?д-р Иван Пеевд-р Иван Пеев2023-07-21 12:44:002023-10-02 15:48:35VAGABOND: AESTHELINE – MEDICINE HELPING BEAUTY
Varicose veins are a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. They are a problem not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a health point of view. They cause discomfort and can lead to restriction of movement and social contact – avoiding walks and gatherings because of pain, swelling, heaviness in the legs or discomfort from their appearance.
In this article you will find out more about what varicose veins and capillaries are; what types there are; the causes of their formation; their treatment and the preventative measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.
What are varicose veins
They are called varices, varicosities or varicose veins and represent chronic venous disease (CVD). The disease manifests itself in their elongation, curvature and expansion. This is because more blood is retained in the veins, leading to swelling and bulging. In color, varicose veins vary between bluish, red and dark purple shades depending on their type.
Types of varicose veins
There are several types of varicose veins: telangiectasias, venulectasias, reticular and varicose veins. They vary in size, color, and can spread over the entire body.
Telangiectasias represent spider veins. Their size reaches up to 1 mm. They are red or violet-blue in colour. They most commonly appear in the area between the knee and ankle, but are also seen on other parts of the body, including the eyes, nose, mucous membranes and lips. Pregnant women are more prone to telangiectasias.
This type of varicose veins are 1-2 mm in size and are blue in color.
Reticular veins
The reticular veins resemble a mesh on the surface of the skin, measuring between 2 and 4 mm. They are highly folded and appear in people who are not physically active.
Varicose veins
Their size is over 4 mm. They are characterised by being large and curved. They are painful and require medical treatment.
Stages of development of varicose veins
Chronic venous disease develops in several stages:
C0 – at this stage there are no visible signs of varicose veins.
C1 – the formation of the spider or reticular veins begins.
C2 – large varicose veins are present.
C3 – legs and ankles are draining.
C4a – the skin is discolored as a result of varicose veins on the legs.
C4b – venous eczema and skin changes appear.
C5 – Wounds appear.
C6 – there is the presence of unhealed active varicose ulcers.
Varicose veins: causes
The formation of varicose veins occurs due to inflammatory processes in the veins. The valves of the veins are damaged, there is the presence of valve insufficiency, blood retention and reflux (blood backflow). Thus, the pressure rises, which leads to the formation of varicose veins, because the venous valves stop performing their main function: to return the blood in the opposite direction.
Risk factors
Several factors influence the development of chronic venous disease. They are as follows:
Gender – women are more susceptible to varicose veins because of various physiological and hormonal factors;
Aging – with age, veins begin to lose their elasticity, leading to CHD;
Sedentary lifestyle;
Lack of regular physical activity and sedentary lifestyle;
Long settling;
Arterial hypertension;
Wearing uncomfortable shoes and tight clothes.
Varicose veins: symptoms
There are visible and invisible symptoms that suggest the development of chronic venous disease.
Varicose is observed when changes in the appearance of the veins appear: protruding areas, lumps, “spider webs”, spreading in the affected area with a dark-pink, blue or red color. Skin changes are also a symptom to look out for. They can be dermatitis, venous ulcer on the inside of the ankle, pigmentation and others.
Invisible symptoms range from pain, burning, leg cramps, discomfort to heaviness, tingling, numbness, swelling and itching.
Dilated capillaries
Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels in the human body. They ensure the normal functioning of organs by allowing oxygen and nutrients to reach all tissues in the body.
The presence of dilated capillaries (telangiectasias) represent an aesthetic and health problem.
Dilated capillaries: causes
Some of the causes of the formation of dilated and broken capillaries are:
Genetic predisposition;
Excessive alcohol use;
Taking medication;
Extreme external factors – exposure of the skin to excessively high or low temperatures;
Hormonal imbalance;
Vitamin deficiency;
Varicose capillaries: symptoms
Dilated capillaries cause discomfort and sometimes pain and itching. They most commonly affect the lower extremities of the body – calves, knee flexors, ankles and hips. They can also be seen on the face – especially on the nose and cheeks.
Symptoms by which you can recognize the disease are:
Appearance of spider webs with purple or red color;
Bruises on the body caused by even the lightest pressure;
In rare cases, capillaries can cause bleeding.
Diagnosis of varicose veins
At the appearance of the first symptoms of varicose veins, it is best to visit a specialist. According to the stage of development and severity of the disease, laser procedures, Doppler or venogram examinations can be performed.
Varicose veins: treatment
Treatment of varicose veins is possible. Depending on the stage and severity of CFB, it can be done through home methods, medication, surgery or in a minimally invasive and non-invasive way such as laser therapy.
When varicose veins are suspected and first symptoms appear, a specialist should be consulted.
Clinical and surgical treatment
For milder conditions, treatment can occur by:
Laser surgeries – these are most commonly used in minor cases and for aesthetic purposes.
Taking medication – creams, medications and supplements are prescribed to relieve symptoms, but they often do not lead to a complete cure of the problem.
Compression therapy – wearing compression socks and elastic bandages also helps in the treatment of a bunion.
In severe cases of varicose veins, surgical treatment may also be necessary – most often stripping or phlebectomy. Stripping is performed in the presence of varicose veins or complaints such as heaviness, cramping and swelling. Phlebectomy is necessary in the presence of large varicose veins and small branches. It is performed in an operative manner. Both types of surgery require a recovery period of several weeks.
Home methods
In order to relieve symptomatology and avoid the onset of vicosis, you can take several useful steps:
Moderate physical activity – regular exercise leads to better blood circulation. Moderate exercise is recommended as heavy strength exercises will have the opposite effect. Dancing, swimming and yoga are all good sports to practice;
Compression stockings;
Change in diet – adding foods high in potassium, flavonoids and fiber will have a beneficial effect on your physical condition. Among the foods that are recommended to add to your menu are nuts, fish, spinach, broccoli, lentils, potatoes and others;
Intake of plenty of water;
Taking reliever medication;
Limit hot showers, saunas and steam baths – heat helps to dilate veins, so cooler showers are preferable;
Wear loose clothing and low shoes – this will avoid venous drainage;
Smoking cessation.
Keep in mind that home treatments and medications relieve symptoms but do not cure the condition.
Varicose capillaries: treatment
Taking medication can help relieve the condition if there is inflammation. Depending on the severity of the disease, surgical intervention may be indicated.
Aestheline Dermatology Clinic offers laser therapy of capillaries and small veinswhich is suitable for milder cases of dilated capillaries. The procedure is safe and obliterates reticular capillaries and veins up to 4-5 mm in diameter. It is performed with a special ND:Yag laser by a certified dermatologist, ensuring its success. The results are visible after the first session.
Home methods
You can relieve or prevent the appearance of dilated or broken capillaries by:
You exercise and walk regularly;
Add more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C (citrus, spinach, red peppers, etc.) to your menu;
You take vitamins;
Be careful with nitrate intake, which increases the tendency of the vessels to dilate;
Do not wear tight clothes;
Choose appropriate creams and medicines after consulting a specialist;
Hydrate your skin;
Limit sauna and steam room visits.
In this article you learned more about what varicose veins and capillaries are, what are the symptoms, causes and risk factors for their occurrence and what methods can treat them.
If you recognize any of the symptoms, see a specialist and take preventive measures to avoid the onset of the disease or alleviate its symptoms.
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