Dr. Ivan Peev about fibroids

Hello friends!

The idea of creating this blog is to write about topics that concern both me and you, hoping that by doing so I will be able to shed more light on some common problems. My practice as a teaching assistant proved the statement that while you are teaching others, you are learning yourself. It is for this reason that I intend to carry this tradition forward here, aiming to introduce you to the latest or most provocative in the fields of dermatology, surgery, aesthetics, nutrition and cosmetics. My goal is not to convince you of the things I believe, but to try to shed light on some dark areas that hide the whole picture so that you can come to your own conclusion. This will not be an easy task, as the field in which I work deals with various complex terminologies and countless complex schemes, but it does not prevent me from trying.

I hope there will be a lot of discussion. Ask your questions, I will answer them with pleasure.

As the first topic I chose to write about fibroids.

What are fibroids?

Fibroids, also known as papillomas, are one of the most common benign skin tumors. They are soft in texture, often protruding above the skin with a thinner part (leg) and a thicker part (head). Most often, they are the same color as the skin, but they can be darker, and their size varies from the head of a pin to an olive. The areas in which they develop are mainly in the places of rubbing: the neck, armpits, groin folds, chest, eyelids, etc. In most cases, they are numerous and grow over time, giving the impression that they are spreading like a virus.

By their nature, they are appendages of the skin composed of collagen and vessels covered with skin.


Why do they appear, grow and become more?

I hasten to reassure you that fibroids are not a virus and have no potential to become malignant. Rather, their appearance is due to a genetic predisposition. The reason why they grow is also not completely clear. Probably the very rubbing of clothes, jewelry or skin to skin provokes them. Other factors believed to be responsible for their growth are: some of them become infected with the human papilloma virus (HPV); hormonal changes during pregnancy; insulin resistance in some diabetics.

There are also genetic skin diseases in which fibroids are numerous.

How to distinguish them from other skin formations?

This is sometimes difficult even for a specialist. Most often, they can be confused with viral warts that grow on the leg. Darker ones can look like a mole. If there is any doubt, it is necessary for the doctor to cut them and examine them histologically with a microscope. Do not trust your intuition, it is advisable to consult a specialist to determine what they are.

Should I remove them, what are the methods?

Sometimes you yourself unwittingly remove them when you change clothes, shave or comb your hair. Since they do not represent a health problem, their removal is more for cosmetic reasons. Unfortunately, this is not reimbursed by the health fund. When they are very large and bother you, grow near the eye, become inflamed often or simply threaten you, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist.

There are many ways to remove them. Back in the day, our parents used to cut them with a silk thread, but this carries a certain risk of necrosis and infection. The most popular removal technique is by burning with liquid nitrogen, cutting, or electrocoagulation. Burning with liquid nitrogen is not comfortable, because pain is felt that lasts for some time and swelling for 4-5 days. Cutting is the most basic, but carries the risk of bleeding and infection. Electroregulation is applied most widely. They are burned with electricity with an instant result, but it is painful.

Stop snoring!!! Now it is possible without pain, without surgery and completely safe

спиране на хърканетоAbout 67% of the population snore, about 80% of them have sleep apnea. What is behind this?

Snoring is a problem not only for the snorer, but also for his loved ones. Most people consider snoring to be something that shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Loud, deafening snoring can strain the relationship between a man and a woman at best
or children, but regular snoring can also be a signal of a health problem, for example disturbed sleep, lack of concentration, decreased libido, psycho-social disorders, irritability and sleep apnea leading to daytime sleepiness, morning headaches, mood swings , sexual disorders, short-term memory loss and hallucinations. It has been proven that sleep apnea multiplies the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Why do we snore?

Snoring occurs when air cannot pass freely between the nose and mouth during sleep. This happens because of a narrowing of the airways, which causes the tissues to vibrate and produce sound. In more severe cases, the airway can become blocked, a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. There are a number of factors responsible for snoring: age, sinus disorders, obesity, alcohol, medication and sleeping position.

How do we treat snoring?

We are proud to present you the newest laser therapy against snoring and sleep apnea in Bulgaria, NightLase®. It is a patented, painless, fast and non-invasive method that increases the quality and comfort of sleep. NightLase® limits sleep apnea conditions and reduces the force of snoring through the use of a mild, superficial Er:Yag laser beam that heats and shrinks tissue, elevates the soft palate and uvula, and opens the airway. The therapy itself takes place in 2 steps.

Step 1: Preparation: the laser beam heats the tissues

Step 2: Tighten the tissues: the laser beam tightens the tissues.

The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes. There is no recovery period. After the procedure, you can immediately carry out your daily activities. You may feel a slight sore throat the next morning, which passes very quickly. The full course of treatment consists of 3 procedures within 6 weeks. The effect lasts for more than a year, and after this period it is usually desirable to do one therapy between 12-18 months.

преди процедураслед процедура

Before procedure                                                                         After the first procedure